
Ship's Memorabilia

Click on the links below for a trip down memory lane. We will be adding more memorabilia items as they are received. If you have some items you'd like to share with your shipmates, please contact Maurice Medland at the address on the Contact Us page.

For the best view in Picasa: 1. Click on "Slideshow." 2. Press F11 on your keyboard (this will take you to a full screen). 3. Click on the "Pause" button to stop the Slideshow. 4. To view each page at your leisure, just click on the "Right Arrow" to advance each page, or the "Left Arrow" to go back. Enjoy!

Welcome Aboard

Courtesy of shipmate Allen Bornmann (63-65).

Kodiak Bear

Courtesy of shipmate Allen Bornmann (63-65).

Sally Memorabilia